Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well we're off, well almost... the bags are packed, the car is checked, the cooler packs are frozen... the last thing left to do is to sign for our new appartment! With legal requirements and delays left & right we've had to postpone the apointment from Monday to Wednesday, so we've had to hang around rather than head off to the sunny south.

It has given us the chance to finalise some admin details and clear up things in the house that we usually never get to - as they say every cloud has its silver lining, but I would much prefer to be contemplating the clouds or the "lack of" in the sky above St Raphaël!

If all goes well we should hopefully get there just after midnight tomorrow night :) Don't know where my parents stand on a broadband Internet connexion; I know my mother wanted one, now that she's gotten herself a Mac notebook. So this may be the last sign off for the next 3 weeks. If not I may publish a '2006' version of the photo above.

In the meantime I hope everyone is having a great Summer!!!

Have fun & be good!



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