X-Hong Kong

Monday, June 26, 2006


... to Harald & Walter!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


... to Kostja
I tried sending him an e-card, but apparently I don't have the right address... if anyone does?

Saturday, June 24, 2006


First of all, congratulations as I hear Germany won the match today....

Just thought I'd let you know that I've really gotten hooked on this blog thing... if you'd like to see pictures of our future apartment, then click here: Kobtzeff Family

From the weather forcast it looks like it's thunderstorms for tomorrow!! Yikes - I was hoping to catch up on my tan :(

Too bad!

Hope you're all having a great weekend anyway....

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hail the Swiss!

Hi Everyone,

Check it out: The Swiss and even the French are in the next round of the WM!!!! What a success! Let's see how Germany plays against Sweden tonight so that we might be able to party again.

I am signing off for vacations today - one week in the Harz to a family hotel. It's our first trip with the lil' one so we are taking it easy this time.

Take care everybody - I'll be back in a week to check out if some Blog-Sleepers have come to life ;-)

Hasta La Pasta

Oli the Otzman

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Hope you all had a great weekend. Yesterday we went to see Robbie Williams in concert at the Parc des Princes - great show!!! can you see him in the middle? This was taken when he sang "Advertising Space"

Then today was Father's Day, so I had my parents out at our place for lunch in the garden, and very much in the spirit of the moment the men played a little game of... football (here's my dad, brother & Misha) and Misha defending his goal....Good luck to France who are playing right now...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

And anotherone won!

Hi Guys & Gals,

And another game one...Germany has at least made it to the next round now which is pretty nifty ;-) We just have to wait and see whether it's England or Sweden that they'll be up against.

Good thing I've got a 2 weeks vacation now so I can enjoy some games...

Take care everyone and drop a line sometime.


Oli the Otzman

Monday, June 12, 2006

What a WM-weekend!

Hi Everyone,

What a weekend it was! Great weather, a cool BBQ with friends and Germany beating Costa Rica 4:2 - what else can you ask for in order to get into the WM-spirit?

OK, I must admit that the weather was so great the we did not see much of the other games on Sat & Sun but there was heavy partying everywhere anyway (especially since England played in Frankfurt).

Guess what....Matthi just called! He is fine and hanging around in Bremen right now. Tonight he'll go down to Hannover to see Italy - Ghana and then he's off to Hamburg for Ecuador - Costa Rica. He's fine and says hello to all Bloggers ;-)

Have a great time everbody and hope to hear from you soon!


Oli the Otzman

Friday, June 09, 2006

If we do have Germany against France in the finals I don't think I'll be making any bets this time... walking around with German flags on my cheeks for one day is enough!

Good luck to all - I'd say break a leg, but from my understanding the French player has already done that!

May the best men win & if Matti is somehow online, or if anyone hears from him ask him to give me a call....

bisous, Méli

Thursday, June 08, 2006

One day to go....

Hiho Everyone,

It's just another day until the BIG day where this country will stand still for a month...I heard that yesterday was already catastrophic in Offenbach (near Frankfurt) where the whole city-life was affected by our Brasilian friends (a lot of them starting with an "R" and ending with an "o") just PRACTISED in a stadium. What's it going to be like when they actually PLAY????

OK, the first voices are coming through that this is all too much hype and that it is time for the WM to be over...well, you party-poopers, the next 4 weeks belong to the guys and gals that do not think so!

In this sense, I wish you all a great time with lots of good games, friends, BBQs and maybe we will see Germany against France in the final!

Cheers and have a good one!

Oli the Otzman

Monday, June 05, 2006


Hi Otzman,

I must say sometimes a post I've published does not appear right away. I actually opened another blog with some friends over here, inspitred by our X-HK blog. It's called "it's a small world afterall" in case you're interested. I've played around with the template and stuff, pretty complex stuff actually.
I just published something and I know a friend has too, but they don't come up yet. I also have a new contributor who is not coming up on the blog....


Well, anyway I was part of the 40% of those who went to work today since the government decided to take away Pentecost so we can graciously give this time the old folks.... yeah, right!!!


Have a nice evening (or morning for some...) everyone, Méli

p.s. Here's a picture of Misha from our weekend in the Champagne area... not with Champagne though... we went bowling - actually he rememberred our time bowling at the Klasssentreffen in Langen

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Hi Guys & Gals,

Is anyone else having problems with the blog? I couldn't load it up tonight but decided to create a blog nevertheless.

Hey Matthi, gimme a shout when you're in Germany. Best is in the evening at 06103 802 94 54 - we should have a couple of things to discuss including the chances of Germany reaching the finals at the World Cup ;-)

Tomorrow (needless to say) is another holiday here...oh, how I love April/May/June in Germany...

Have a great Pfngsten everyone and have a good one. We'll be chillin' out somewhere with the kids. Should be fun...and...oh, did I mention that Thursday the week after is also off?

OK, cheers and until later,

Oli the Otzman

Friday, June 02, 2006

The sun has finally come to France!!

Sorry Oli, but I've kidnapped the sun right now, which is fantastic since I'm at home!!!

Today is kind of a teacher meeting day at school, and so the kids don't have class. I therefore have had to take the day off to take care of my little boy... and it's sunny!!

Seeing as I got a new camera I can now take pictures and upload instantaneously, so here's a picture of the sunny garden:

Oli & Robin you may recongize it from the wedding 7 years ago this Monday - can you believe it!!!

Well, I hope you all have a great day -and as they say TGIF!!!

Bisous, Méli

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Where is the sun?

Hi Everyone,

Well, what can I say about this strange weather....it keeps on raining and raining and tonight is our JP MOrgan Chase Run in Frankfurt where 60.000 people are expected. I am taking my umbrella along...it might not look very sporty carrying that thing while jogging along but it's better than getting wet :-)

Hey, Sabbi, Carsten was invited by e-mail but somehow did not register himself. Bad boy! I have sent him the invitation again and hopefully we'll get him "on board".

What's happening with Robbo and Thomas? I bet they are on vacation in some sunny place :-)

OK, keep your fingers crossed for a dry Run tonight and have a good one!


Oli the Otzman