X-Hong Kong

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

CLASSES OF '87 & '88 REUNION 2007

It was great seeing you all again - Looking forward to 2010 in HK!!

Friday, May 04, 2007


Hey Meli & Co.!

All the best from us here in Langen and hopefully the nights are not too extreme :-)

Hope to see you soon - hope you can make it to the class reunion in AUgust!


Oli & Co.

Monday, April 23, 2007


We are very prourd & happy to announce the arrival of Lara!

19.04.07 at 3am
53cm 3kg850

For more pictures check out our blog:

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Music and Lyrics

For all those girls who were with me 22 years ago (April 3rd to be exact) at the WHAM concert, I dedicate this video: POP Goes My Heart

For those of you who have seen the movie.... ENJOY!!
For those who haven't you MUST go!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


This is for all of us!!! SO TRUE - I wonder if one of us put this together?

You know you are bilingual/binational, when:

- you don't find this word in this language but that one doesn't come in that language
- you juggle with different currencies
- you have the choice of nationalities when you're asked for ID
- when you're tired you use the words of one language but the grammar of the another one, which creates some kind of melting pot which barely anyone with Reason understands
- you don't realise that you're not speaking a pure language, that it always has traces of the other one(s)
- you are bored with people who are monolingual/unicultural
- you've lived in/experienced more than one country
- you're neither this nor that, actually.
- you're still more or less considered as a foreigner in your "home" countries
- not "one of them" but an outsider. -
you're only seen as monolingual/cultural in the target country
- you get fed up of people who ask you in what language you think - I THINK IN BLOODY IDEAS, I DON'T KNOW !
- you can't really understand what it is to be from one country and support it
- you don't necessarily speak the same language to both of your parents
- you say "do you want the full story or the abridged version?" when someone asks you the question "so where are you from?"

-> so what ???

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Daniel is back @ home!

Good news!!!! Daniel was discharged from hospital on Monday and is back home again. We had a little "second" birthday party for him. He is also just like before except that he sometimes wakes up at night crying - most probably dreaming of all those needles that they pricked him with...

Thanks to all of you who have thought of Daniel during these rough times and good health to you and your kids!

All the best

Oli the Otzman

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Daniel's getting better!

Hello Everyone,

Daniel is recovering rapidly and there is even talk that Diana and him will come home on Tuesday or Wednesday. So thank all of you for thinking of him and giving us support.

On Monday I have to go to work again...it wasn't much of a relaxing vacation though :-)

Take care,
